
Spazioweb.Company is the name of a non-profit initiative that aims to give "space" to ideas that promote any type of individual or small business activities, and more specifically it aims to promote information and computer culture for the retail world, and so, e-commerce, office automation, back office.

The same idea from which Spazioweb project moves is to show how the IT, in the Internet 2 age (almost 3 ...), can really be a fundamental resource to support the development and growing up of both more traditional business ideas that those more new.

This initiative is on the web through an advanced social networking platform as Google+, a YouTube video sharing service and a small web portal site http://spaziowebcompany.azurewebsites.net (this portal) for direct access to some free available software resources. These softwares are directed to support back -office activities, such as attedenca manegement of a small working group, or more business-specific activities, such as a thermal-hydraulic management for businesses with a timetable of works. Finally, it is available some useful tools for istitutions as schools or parishes for managing subscriptions to the catechism, help centers, Archive library (see Utility page for more details).



In questa pagina sono raccolti i link
a tutti i software gestionali rilasciati
gratuitamente da Spazioweb. Accedi

Video tutorial

Pagina YouTube dei videotutorial per
vedere le playlist legate a ciascun
software rilasciato da Spazioweb. Accedi